Pimpinio Football Netball Club Inc: Fair Access Policy

At the Pimpinio Football Netball Club (PFNC), we believe that community sport should be a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone. Our Fair Access Policy is designed to break down barriers that have historically limited equitable access for women and girls to sports facilities in Victoria. With this policy, PFNC is committed to ensuring that all our members, regardless of gender, have a voice in shaping how our community sports infrastructure is planned, designed, and used.

This policy is aligned with the Gender Equality Act 2020 and other relevant legislative frameworks, aiming to create safe, inclusive, and accessible sporting facilities. By fostering positive participation experiences and improving access, we strive to support and promote gender equality in sport and recreation.

PFNC is dedicated to collaborating with partners and stakeholders to design and maintain gender-inclusive, fit-for-purpose facilities that meet the needs of all members of our community. Our goal is to ensure that everyone, especially women and girls, has the opportunity to participate in sport and recreation activities without facing structural or systemic barriers.