The following By–Laws shall be read in general across all grades of football and netball competitions

1. Powers of the Board 

1.1 The Board shall have entire control and management of all League games, appoint all necessary officials and  employees, and may do other acts and deeds which it considers conducive to the interests of the games of football  and netball. 

1.2 The Board shall make all decisions on any case arising which is not provided for in the HDFNL By-Laws. 

1.3 The Board shall appoint a League Administrator. The League Administrator shall carry out all directions given by  the Board and shall keep all necessary records in accordance with the Constitution and the By-Laws of the  League. 

1.4 The Board shall appoint an Independent Investigation Officer. The Independent Investigation Officer shall carry out  any investigation that has been referred by the Board. All directions given by the Board and all necessary records  in accordance with the Constitution and the By-Laws will be retained by the League Administrator.  

2. Meetings 

2.1 Annual General Meetings- refer to Constitution clause # 8  

2.2 Special General Meeting- refer to Constitution clause # 9  

2.3 Meetings Information – refer to Constitution clauses # 10 through to #19  

2.4 President/Secretary -The Board shall call a President/Secretary meeting at a date and time of their choosing. 

President/Secretary meetings are for information sharing purposes. Member Clubs are expected to be represented  at these meeting by their Presidents and Secretaries or when not available other members of their Executive. 

2.5 Meetings shall be minuted as required. 

3. Life Membership 

3.1 Players completing three hundred (300) Senior football or A Grade netball matches within the League shall be  awarded automatic life membership of the League. Clubs are required to forward evidence of this to the league to  be approved before being awarded.  

3.2 Any person by stint of outstanding service to the League of not less than 10 consecutive years may be eligible for  Life Membership. Nominations for Life Membership shall be determined by the HDFNL Board. 

3.3 By resolution of the Board any nominations for Life Membership shall be presented and voted on at the AGM to be  presented at an appropriate time as determined by the board.  

3.4 Any such Members so elected to Life Membership shall thereafter be relieved from the payment of any  subscriptions otherwise payable.  

4. Authorized League Passes 

4.1 The following passes shall be distributed by the League for the Home and Away Season. 

• Life Members Board Members 

• League Partners/Sponsors 

• Club Presidents 

• Club Secretaries 

• Any official football & netball umpires appointed for that day. 

• Any Individual Season Pass as determined by the Board

4.2 Authorised League Pass for finals games shall be distributed by the Board at their discretion. 

5. League Colours 

5.1 The official colours of the league shall be dark green and gold. 

6. Clubs 

6.1 Each club within the league during the previous season shall be deemed to be an affiliate of the league for the  following season subject to payment of such affiliation fees due as per Rule 4.1 of the HDFNL Constitution

6.2 Each club within the league shall nominate, in writing, any uniform changes from the previous season. For both Football and Netball for the upcoming season. 

6.3 The League shall at their discretion approve or reject uniform requests. Approval or rejection of uniform requests  shall be made in writing. All players are to be in the approved uniform by the first game of the season. Should  approved uniforms not be ready, approval from the league must be given for an agreed interim uniform. 

6.4 The club of all players not in the approved uniform by the first game of the season and who have not received  approval from the league for an agreed interim uniform may incur a fine of $100. 

6.5 The clubs of the league shall be: 

• Edenhope Apsley Football Netball Club Inc 

• Harrow Balmoral Football Netball Club Inc 

• Jeparit Rainbow Football Netball Club Inc 

• Kalkee Football Netball Club Inc 

• Kaniva Leeor United Football Netball Club 

• Laharum Football Netball Club Inc 

• Natimuk United Football Netball Club Inc 

• Noradjuha Quantong Football Netball Club Inc 

• Pimpinio Football Netball Club Inc 

• Rupanyup Football Netball Club Inc 

• Stawell Swifts Football Netball Club Inc 

• Taylors Lake Football Netball Club Inc 

7. League Competitions 

7.1 The HDFNL shall run a single competition that comprises football and netball in both senior and junior grades. 

7.2 All football shall be played under the laws of the Australian Football League and the rules of AFL Victoria Country.  Exceptions to these laws and rules shall be outlined in the Section 2 - HDFNL Football By-Laws

7.3 All netball shall be played under the International Netball Federation Netball Rules. Exceptions to these rules shall  be outlined in the Section 3 - HDFNL Netball By-Laws

7.4 In football grades a player’s age is determined as at 1st of January of that year. 

7.5 In netball grades a player’s age is determined as at the 31st of December of that year. 7.6 Football grades shall be Senior, Reserves, Under 17 and Under 14. 

7.7 Netball grades shall be A Grade, B Grade, C Grade, C Reserve, 17 & Under, 15 & Under and 13 & Under 7.8 All clubs shall enter teams into all grades from the higher grade down. The HDFNL board reserves the right to  review the position of any club or clubs in the league and to make decisions to include or exclude a team from  entering in the competition at their discretion. 

8. Vilification and Discrimination 

8.1 The HDFNL will operate within the guidelines and policies of the AFL Victoria Country and Netball Victoria to  include but not limited to- Code of behaviour, child safety and discrimination policies.

9. Admission 

9.1 All admission fees will be set at a President/Secretary meeting prior to the beginning of a season. 9.2 Admission fees shall be paid upon entry to all League games. 

9.3 Admission fees shall be retained by the Home club for Home and Away games and the League will retain all  admission fees for finals games. 

10. Fixture 

10.1 The League Administrator in conjunction with the Board shall complete the fixture for each season and release to  the clubs by Nov 30th. Each club shall be entitled to make 1 submission to the League on fixture requests to be  taken into consideration, although no guarantee is made that these will be accepted. Such submission should be  received by the League not later than Oct 31st. 

11. Other Matches 

11.1 No club shall, without the prior approval of the Board engage in any match other than the approved fixture for each  season. Any club wishing to take part in any other competition that is not within the approved fixture for each  season, must provide written notice fourteen (14) days prior to the match taking place with the League seeking the  Board’s approval. 

12. League Sanctioned Functions/Events 

12.1 It is Compulsory that all HDFNL Affiliated Clubs attend and or participate in all sanctioned League Functions or  Events as determined by the HDFNL Board and as advised to all Clubs. This is related to any official event or a  sponsored event. Non participation by a Club without a valid reason will incur a fine of $100. 

13. HDFNL Record 

13.1 The HDFNL will produce a match day record for each round. This will be in both a digital and physical form. 

13.2 Each home club will be allocated 50 physical records for distribution at all games during the home and away  season. 

13.3 Each club shall make its own arrangements to collect their allocated records from Shelton and Lane Printing. 

13.4 Clubs can request more than their allocated HDFNL records for any game, provided that notice is given to the  League fourteen (14) days’ prior to the game day. These extra copies will be at the clubs cost. 

14. Media - all platforms 

14.1 Any league registered player or official found to have made inappropriate comments in the media towards the  League’s Board, AFL Victoria County, AFL Wimmera Mallee or its employees, Netball Victoria, Wimmera and  District Umpires Group or league netball panel umpires will be investigated by the League. 

14.2 The Board shall decide the appropriateness of the comments made and the offending party will be given the  opportunity to explain their actions prior to the fine being given. 

14.2.1 If found that the comments are inappropriate, the Board shall have the power to decide on penalty that the  offending party is given. Any fine that is given to an offending party will not exceed a maximum of $500. 

15. Child safety policies 

15.1 The Horsham District Football Netball League and its affiliated clubs shall know and adhere to the following policies.  

Safeguarding-Children-and-Young-People-Policy-version-dated-05032021-.pdf (afl.com.au) Child-Safety-Policy.pdf (netball.com.au) 


16. Premiership Points and Percentage 

16.1 In all home and away matches, the following shall apply in all competitions played as per By–Law 7: 

• Four (4) points shall be awarded for a win 

• Two (2) points shall be awarded for a draw Zero (0) points shall be awarded for a loss 

• Four (4) points shall be awarded for a forfeit 

o In football the score shall be recorded as 0 to the side that forfeited and 60 for the opposition o In netball the score shall be recorded as 0 to the side that forfeited and 40 for the opposition 

16.2 In football, where a team does not field a side for that season the opposing side shall receive 4 points and a score  of 30. 

16.3 In netball, where a team does not field a side for that season the opposing side shall receive 4 points and a score  of 10 goals. 

16.4 In the event of Clubs having equal points at the end of the home & away season, the position of Clubs shall be  determined by the percentage equated from points for and against of games played by each Club. 

16.5 Percentage shall be calculated as points scored for vs points scored against in all Home and Away games. 

16.6 In the event any grade has an uneven number of teams and/or games played, the League may at its discretion use  a Match Ratio Ladder where current ladder points are divided by the number of matches played. 

17. Game Day Results 

17.1 The home club is responsible for entering each game result into Play HQ data base by 5.30pm game day. 17.2 It is the responsibility of the home club to ensure that all game day results are entered accurately. 

17.3 It is the responsibility of the home club to ensure that all game day paperwork be sealed in the league game day  envelope and delivered to the league’s office by 4pm on the Monday following the game and must include: 

• Official League Scoresheet, including goal scorers 

• Best Players (recorded on official scoresheet)

o Football best players 1 to 6 for each team 

o Netball best players 1 & 2 for each team 

• Best and fairest vote cards 

• Best Opposition player vote cards (Senior Football and A Grade Netball only) 

• Signed league timekeepers card 

• Signed league goal umpires card (Football only) 

• Blue Ribbon Award sheet. (Under 17 Football and 17 & Under Netball only) 

17.4 Should the home club not deliver the game day envelope to the league’s office by 4pm on the Monday following  the game or be missing game day paperwork as required they shall incur a fine of $100. 

18. Grievances - refer to Constitution clause # 35 

19. Finals Format 

19.1 Clubs positioned 1 to 6 on the league ladder shall play in the league’s finals. 

19.2 The leagues finals fixture shall be: 

First Saturday Elimination Final 1 Team 3 vs Team 6 

First Sunday Elimination Final 2 Team 4 vs Team 5 

Second Saturday Second Semi Final Team 1 vs Team 2 

Second Sunday First Semi Final Winner Elimination Final 1 vs Winner Elimination Final 2 Third Saturday Preliminary Final Loser of Second Semi Final vs Winner of First Semi Final Fourth Saturday Grand Final Winner of Second Semi Final vs Winner of Preliminary Final 

20. Finals Venues 

20.1 Elimination, Semi, Preliminary and Grand Finals venues shall be selected at the discretion of the HDFNL Board. 20.2 Elimination, Semi and Preliminary Finals shall be catered for by the host club. 

20.3 Clubs shall be selected to cater for the Grand Final at the discretion of the Board. 

21. Reporting Misconduct 

21.1 No official, player, member of the League or member of a Club shall, on the day of a game; 

21.1.1 Use abusive, threatening or insulting language to League Members, Club Officials, Umpires, Players or the  General Public. 

21.1.2 Interfere with or assault any League Members, Club Officials, Umpires, Players or the General Public. 21.1.3 Be guilty of any conduct which is detrimental to the best interests of Australian Football and Netball. 21.1.4 Take, keep, swap, destroy, steal or dispose of in any manner, any property of the League 21.1.5 Refuse or neglect to observe, or comply with the Rules and /or By-Laws of the League. 21.2 All reports, accusations, objections and complaints shall follow the Investigations section of these By-Laws. 

22. Codes of Behaviour 

22.1 All players, coaches, team officials and spectators shall comply with AFL Victoria Country Codes of Conduct, 

Netball Victoria Code of Conduct and the Sport & Rec Victoria Fair Play Code. 

22.2 Should any players, coaches, team officials and spectators fail to comply with the relevant code the matter will be  referred to the league’s tribunal. 

23. Conduct 

23.1 Non participating players who disregard warnings for bad behaviour will be called upon to show cause why their  registration should not be revoked. 

23.2 Where a Club Official or member disregards warnings for bad behaviour, he/she shall be liable to a fine which shall  be determined by the League, and may also be dealt with as the League may think fit. 

23.3 Payment of such fine shall be the responsibility of the offending officials or members Club. 

24. Fines 

24.1 The League reserves the right to fine any Member Club for a breach of the By-Laws. Fines shall be paid in full by  the club responsible to the League. 

25. Investigations – Football 

25.1 The League shall appoint an Investigation Officer, who shall be called upon when a club wishes the League to  investigate a matter. 

25.2 The Club requesting an investigation shall notify the League in writing outlining the exact details of the disputes,  protests or charges requiring investigation within nine (9) days of the incident. 

25.3 The club shall pay a fee of $500, which shall be retained by the League as a bond. 

25.4 The League shall refer the matter to the League’s appointed Investigation Officer. 

25.5 The Investigation Officer shall use all means necessary to investigate and make a judgment. 25.6 The findings of the Investigation Officer shall be final 

25.7 Investigation Financial Policy 

All costs associated with investigations conducted on behalf of the League shall be covered by the requesting club. 

When the Investigations Officer determines in favour of the requesting club, the bond retained by the League will  be refunded, less the Investigations Officer’s fee for services. 

In cases where the Investigation Officer refers the matter to an Independent Tribunal, and a verdict of not guilty (or  case not proven) is determined, the club requesting the investigation will receive a refund of the bond, less the  Investigations Officer’s fee for services. 

In cases where the Investigation Officer refers the matter to an Independent Tribunal and a guilty verdict is  determined, the club requesting the investigation shall receive a full refund of the bond. The club of the  player/official that has the guilty verdict applied to it shall be fined the amount of the Investigations Officer’s fee for  services. (in addition to any additional tribunal fine) which shall be used by the League for payment to the  Investigations Officer for services. 

Furthermore, if any report or complaint deemed to be frivolous the Five Hundred Dollar ($500.00) deposit would be  forfeited. 

Note: The above financial policy shall be applied in cases where the Investigations Officer fee does not exceed  $500. In extenuating circumstances (e.g. more difficult, complex or lengthy investigations) the Investigations  Officer may request an amount over and above $500 which will be paid by the club requesting the investigation  over and above the bond paid. 

26. Investigations - Netball 

26.1 All netball investigations will be held as required following the guidelines laid out in the International Netball 


Federations disciplinary and dispute resolutions regulations. https://vic.netball.com.au/dispute-resolution 

27. Disbandment/Admission of Clubs - as per HDFNL Constitution and AFL Victoria Country  Handbook rule # 3.0 

27.1 In the event of any member Club disbanding, its members shall be at liberty to play with another Club, providing  the disbanding Club is financial on the books of the League. Transfers under this By-Law will be subject to the  provision of the AFL as regards transfers of players. 

27.2 In the event of a disbanding Club being unfinancial on the books of the League, a levy will be fixed on its members  by the Board, any transfers will only be approved by the Board on payment of such fixed amount. 

28. Working with Children’s Checks 

28.1 Clubs are required to hold this information as per the AFL Vic & Netball Victoria rules and when requested shall  provide the League with copies of a person’s Working with Children’s Check for specified role within the club.  

28.2 Any club that cannot provide a Working with Children’s Check for the requested position within seven (7) days  shall incur a fine of $100.  

29. Awards 

29.1 Premiership Awards 

A Premiership Cup, Perpetual Shield and Medals shall be provided to clubs that win Grand Finals in all grades of  football and netball. Clubs can request extra Cups, Medals or Flags at the expense of the club. 

29.2 Club Championship Award 

On an annual basis, the league will award a Club Championship which will be awarded at the league’s senior best  and fairest presentation. The Club that accrues the most points in that season will be awarded the Club  Championship. Points towards this award will be accrued as follows:  

2 points per grade for a win  

1 point per grade for a draw 

2 points per grade if receiving a forfeit. 

0 points per grade for a loss 

29.3 Best and Fairest Awards 

29.3.1 Individual awards shall be awarded to the best and fairest player in each grade of competition. These awards  shall be known as the “Best and Fairest” award. 

29.3.2 The umpires officiating each competition game shall at the conclusion of the game select three (3) best and  fairest players in the game. The three nominations shall then be awarded either three (3) votes, two (2) votes or  one (1) vote on an official league vote card provided by the home club and placed in a sealed envelope and  returned to the home club or entered electronically into the match day data base. 

29.3.3 The league shall tally all votes from each game at the conclusion of the home and away season. 

29.3.4 The player or players with the most votes shall be declared the best and fairest player. In the case of multiple players receiving equal votes, joint winners shall be declared, and separate awards shall be presented to each  player. 

29.3.5 The player or players with the second most votes shall be declared the runner up best and fairest player. In the  case of multiple players receiving equal votes, joint winners shall be declared and separate awards shall be  presented to each player. 

29.3.6 Any player who has been found guilty of an on-field offence during the home and away season shall not be  eligible to win the award. 

29.3.7 An award known as the “Dellar Medal” shall be made each year to the best and fairest player or players in the  Senior football competition.

29.4 Best Opposition Player – Senior Football and A Grade Netball 

29.4.1 An award known as the “Best Opposition Player” shall be made each year to the best player or players in the  Senior football and A Grade netball competition.  

29.4.2 Voting for Best Opposition Player shall be made by the opposing club participating in each Senior football and  A Grade netball competition game. 

29.4.3 At the conclusion of the game each club will select three (3) best opposition players in the game. The three  nominations shall then be awarded either three (3) votes, two (2) votes or one (1) vote on an official league vote  card provided by the home club and placed in a sealed envelope and returned to the home club or entered  electronically into the match day data base. 

29.4.4 The league shall tally all votes from each game at the conclusion of the home and away season. 

29.4.5 The player or players with the most votes shall be declared the Best Opposition Player. In the case of multiple players receiving equal votes, joint winners shall be declared, and separate awards shall be presented to each  player. 

29.5 Best Under 21 Player 

29.5.1 An award known as the “Best U/21 Player” shall be made each year to the best player under the age of 21 in  the Senior football competition and the A Grade netball competition. 

29.5.2 Any player under the age of 21 as of the 1st of January for that season shall qualify for the Best U/21 Player  award. 

29.5.3 Qualifying players with the most votes from the Senior football and A Grade netball Best and Fairest Awards  shall be declared the Best U/21 Player. In the case of multiple players receiving equal votes, joint winners shall  be declared, and separate awards shall be presented to each player. 

29.6 Leading Goal Kicker 

29.6.1 An award known as the “Leading Goal Kicker” shall be made each year to the leading goal kicker in the Senior  and Reserve football competitions.  

29.6.2 The player or players with the most goals kicked shall be awarded the leading goal kicker award. In the case of  multiple players kicking the most goals, joint winners shall be declared and separate awards shall be awarded  to each player. 

29.7 Blue Ribbon Spirit of Football/Netball Award is injunction with Victoria Police 

29.7.1 An award known as the Blue Ribbon Award, shall be awarded each round to a player from the under 17 football  and 17 & under netball. Umpires vote on the criteria supplied on the proforma. Clubs failing to submit these  awards will incur a fine of $100 per game missed.  

29.7.2 Each round 1 x under 17 football and 1 x 17 & under netball will be selected and awarded a medal and  certificate by a police representative prior to the commencement of the game. Players home club is to provide a  photo and brief write up of the player by 6pm Sunday to the nominated contact.  

29.7.3 Parent or guardian will be required to sign a media release document. 

29.7.4 Each year an under 17 football team and coach, and 17 & under netball team and coach will be awarded the  Blue Ribbon Spirit of Football / Netball team of the year. This is awarded to the team with the most Blue Ribbon  votes during the home & away season.  

29.8 Best on Ground/Court in Grand Final 

29.8.1 A medal known as the “Best on Ground” or “Best on Court” shall be presented each year to the player judged  Best on Ground / Best on Court in all Grand Final games 

29.8.2 The League shall appoint Three (3) independent people for each Grand Final game who shall vote on this  medal. 

29.8.3 Each independent person shall at the conclusion of the game select three (3) best players in the game. The  three nominations shall then be awarded either three (3) votes, two (2) votes or one (1) vote on an official  league vote card provided by the league and placed in a sealed envelope and returned to the league.

29.8.4 The league shall tally all votes from each game at the conclusion of the game. 

29.8.5 The player or players with the most votes shall be declared the “Best on Ground” or “Best on Court”. In the case  of multiple players receiving equal votes, joint winners shall be declared, and separate medals shall be  presented to each player. 

29 On Field Communication Devices  

29.1 Listening/talking devices shall not be allowed to be used on the field or court during games. 29.2 Should any club use listening/talking devices on the field or court during games they shall incur a fine of $100.

SECTION 2 – Football By-Laws 

The following By-Laws shall be read in general across the League’s Football Competition. This shall be read in  conjunction with the League’s General By-Laws. 

30 Playing Rules 

30.1 All games shall be played under AFL Laws of the Game and AFL Victoria Country Rules and Regulations except in  such cases and conditions where the By-Laws hereby adopted are superseded by these rules.  

31 Football Coordinator 

31.1 Each club shall appoint a senior football coordinator/s. 

31.2 Each club shall appoint a junior football coordinator/s. 

31.3 Each football coordinator/s must sign an AFL Victoria Country registration form and be registered on Play HQ with their club prior to the start of the current season. 

31.4 The football coordinator/s shall have a current Working with Children’s Check. 

32 Players 

32.1 Each player must be registered on Play HQ with their club prior to the start of the current season. Players are no  longer permitted to be written in on team sheets.  

32.2 Any player wishing to play after the start of the current season and who is not registered with AFL Victoria Country  on AFL Play HQ with their club, must complete the registration prior to the game they wish to participate in. 

32.3 Any player registered with their club may play in Senior Football, Reserve Football, U/17 Football and U/14  Football Grades. Players ages for underage grades are determined as per By-Law 7.4.  

32.4 Clubs may request an exemption for an overage player. The request must be submitted in writing to the League  outlining the reasons for the overage request. All approved overage requests shall be monitored by the Board, if a  player who has been granted an overage request is deemed to have sufficient skills to play in the older age group  then the exemption will be revoked. 

32.5 An exemption has been granted to allow juniors to play 32 games for the 2022 season.  

Note: In 2023 this will revert back to the 25 games as outlined in the Future Directions Review Final  Recommendations that the HDFNL accepted. 

33 Player Payments and Points 

33.1 Senior players only – All clubs are required to adhere to the AFL Victoria rulings regarding Player Points & Player  Payments.  

34 Player Clearances 

34.1 All clearances shall refer to the AFL Victoria Country handbook. 

35 Permits 

35.1 All permits shall refer to the AFL Victoria Country handbook. 

Clubs are encouraged to utilise intra-league sharing of players via Rule 2.9 of AFL Victoria Country handbook to  permit players to opposing teams when player numbers are lacking. 

35.2 All clubs shall adhere to all league area permits per season as per By–Law 37.


35.3 Clubs are only permitted 4 permits per Senior game. Any club that exceeds this number per game per senior grade will incur a fine of $250.  

35.4 Any player who is not registered to a club or on permit shall not play in home & away games or finals. 

36 Local Interchange Agreements 

36.1 The league shall enter into local interchange agreements with club listed NAB League competition players. 

36.2 The league shall enter into local interchange agreements with club listed VFL competition players at the request of  the club.  

37 Area Permits  

37.1 For Underage Competitions, AFL Wimmera Mallee approved agreements where players can play on permit  between the Horsham District Football Netball League and the Wimmera Football Netball League under a current  layered permit system across the Leagues. The current junior area agreement is for permits from WFNL to HDFNL  and an area permit agreement is for permits from HDFNL to WFNL; both reinforce the on-field number regulations.  Those playing on permit may only play one game in one league per weekend. Clearances will be limited to once  every three weeks. 

The HDFNL Board will decide which other League/s an Area Permit Agreement will be requested as per AFL Vic  Country Handbook rule # 2.10 - Area Permits. 

Current Permit Agreed Leagues 

• Hampden Football Netball League 

• South West District Football Netball League 

• Mininera & District Football Netball League 

• Ararat Junior Football League 

• The Greater South West Junior Football League  

• Stawell Under 13 Football League 

38 Coaches – Read in conjunction with AFL Vic Country Handbook Rule #s 1.23 and 14. 

38.1 All coaches (U14 through to seniors) in the HDFNL must be registered with the HDFNL and be accredited to the  level as determined by the AFL Vic Coaches Accreditation policy.  

38.2 The club of any unregistered coach shall incur a fine of $200 

38.3 All coaches shall have a current Working with Children’s Check.  

39 Team Managers 

39.1 Each team manager must be registered with their club prior to the start of the officiating match.  39.2 The club of any team manager who is unregistered shall incur a fine of $100.  

39.3 All team managers shall have a current Working with Children’s Check.  

40 Trainers/ Runners/ Water Carriers  

40.1 No team shall be permitted to have more than the combined total of 6 trainers and water carriers, except where the  AFL Vic Country heat/cold policy is invoked as per AFL Vic Country Handbook rule #15.1 

Schedule-7-National-Extreme-Weather-Policy.pdf (afl.com.au) 

40.2 A Trainer or Runner must be registered and at least 16 years of age. 

40.3 A Water Carrier must be registered 

40.4 Each club shall have a minimum of one (1) trainer holding a level 1 Australian Football Trainer Education Centre  (AFTEC) accreditation 

40.5 Clubs may appoint up to two (2) team runners per grade & only one (1) runner may enter and remain on the field at  any one (1) time. 

40.6 Runners must escort umpires from the ground in all grades.  

40.7 Runners must enter and leave the field by the designated interchange area. 

40.8 Trainers, Runner/s & Water Carriers over 18 years shall have a current Working with Children’s Check.  

40.9 Trainers, Runners & Water Carriers shall be attired in a uniform as supplied by the League will have the club name  and identifying number on the back of the shirt. 

40.10 Each home club must ensure that an appropriate stretcher is placed at the interchange area. 40.11 Clubs in breach of these rules will incur a fine of $100 

41 Interchange Steward 

41.1 Interchange Stewards shall be used only in finals games and will be appointed by the League. 

41.2 The Interchange steward shall watch and record all player interchanges, blood rule interchanges and order offs  during a game on the form provided by the league.  

42 Umpires - Field, Boundary & Goal 

42.1 The following umpires shall officiate home and away games: 

Senior Football 

2x Association Central Umpires, 2x Club Boundary Umpires, 1x Club Goal Umpire per home & away team

Reserve Football 

1x Club Central Umpire per home and away team, 1x Club Goal Umpire per home and away team

Under 17 Football 

2x Association Central Umpires, 1x Club Goal Umpire per home and away team

Under 14 Football 

1x Club Central Umpire per home and away team, 1x Club Goal Umpire per home and away team

42.2 The following umpires shall officiate finals games: 

Senior Football 

2x Association Central Umpires, 2x Association Boundary Umpires, 2x Association Goal umpires

Reserve Football 

2x Association Central Umpires, 2x Association Boundary Umpires, 2x Association Goal umpires

Under 17 Football 

2x Association Central Umpires, 2x Association Boundary Umpires, 2x Association Goal umpires

Under 14 Football 

2x Club Central Umpire, 2x Club Goal Umpire – As assigned by the League

42.3 In Reserve, U/17 and U/14 games during home and away games, boundaries are to be monitored by the central  umpire. When the ball is deemed to be out of bounds the central umpire shall take the ball ten (10) meters into the  playing area and resume play by throwing the ball up.  

42.4 In U/14 football during finals, boundaries are to be monitored by boundary spotters that are assigned by the  League. When the ball is deemed to be out of bounds the central umpire shall take the ball ten (10) meters into the  playing area and resume play by throwing the ball up.  

42.5 The League shall cover the cost of association umpires. Club umpires shall be paid at the discretion of the club. 

42.6 The goal umpires shall record on cards as provided by the league exact scores and shall be returned to the home  match day secretary.  

42.7 Each club umpires must be registered as a volunteer prior to the start of the official match. 

42.8 The club of any unregistered volunteer club umpire shall incur a fine of $200. 

42.9 A club central umpire must be at least 18 years of age. A club goal umpire must be at least 16 years of age. 

42.10 The 2 central umpires are to complete the League Best & Fairest award together on the official form or by digital  means at the completion of the game. 

42.11 The club umpire/s shall have a current Working with Children’s Check if over 18 years of age. 

42.12 Club central and boundary umpires must wear a uniform that is approved by the League. Club Goal Umpires must  wear the league approved uniform of a white jacket/coat. 

43 Footballs 

43.1 The league shall supply, at the Leagues expense, footballs for all finals games. 

43.2 Cost for balls in the home and away season will be covered by clubs. 

43.3 The league shall supply game balls to clubs for each Senior home game plus one spare for the season. 43.4 The home club shall provide a football in good condition for all Reserve, U/17 games. 43.5 The home club shall provide a Size 4 synthetic football to be used in U/14 games. 

43.6 The choice of ball for Senior games will be at the discretion of the league. 

43.7 The choice of ball for Reserve and U/17 games shall be either “Sherrin” or “Ross Faulkner” branded footballs.  Footballs previously used in Senior games shall be used in either Reserve or U/17 games. 

43.8 Cost for balls in the home and away season will be covered by club. 

43.9 Clubs who do not use the correct approved league sponsor logo football in senior games as stated by the league  shall incur a fine of $100. 

44 Player Uniforms 

44.1 All players must wear AFL Victoria Country approved uniforms complying with the registered colours of their club  including numbered playing jumpers, shorts and socks. 

44.2 The league must approve all uniform colours and designs as per By–Law 6.2, 6.3 & 6.4 44.3 Clubs must notify in writing of any proposed changes to their uniform prior to the current season. 

44.4 The away club for all games shall wear white shorts. However, clubs may wear a single colour of shorts for all  games provided they approved by the board, as per By–Law 6.2, 6.3 & 6.4 

44.5 Bike shorts may be worn, but must be either Beige/Cream coloured or the same colour as the club shorts worn for  that game. Black gloves are permitted to be worn. 

45 Game Times 

45.1 Starting times for all home and away games are as follows: 

• Senior Football – 2:25pm 

• Reserve Football – 12:40pm 

• Under 17 Football – 10:55am 

• Under 14 Football – 9:30am 

45.2 Starting times for Grand Final games are as follows: 

• Senior Football – 2:40pm 

• Reserve Football – 12:00pm 

• Under 17 Football – 10:00am 

• Under 14 Football – 8:30am


45.3 Should a game be running late, the siren is to be sounded immediately after the completion of the previous game. 45.4 Game times for all home and away games shall be as follows: 

Senior Football 

4 x 20 minute quarters plus time on with breaks of 5 minutes, 20 minutes and 5 minutes

Reserve Football 

4 x 20 minute quarters with no time on with breaks of 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 5 minutes

Under 17 Football 

4 x 20 minute quarters with no time on with breaks of 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 5 minutes

Under 14 Football 

4 x 15 minute quarters with no time on with breaks of 3 minutes, 5 minutes and 3 minutes

45.5 Game times for all final games shall be as follows: 

Senior Football 

4 x 20 minute quarters plus time on with breaks of 5 minutes, 20 minutes and 5 minutes

Reserve Football 

4 x 16 minute quarters plus time on with breaks of 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 5 minutes

Under 17 Football 

4 x 18 minute quarters plus time on with breaks of 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 5 minutes

Under 14 Football 

4 x 15 minute quarters with no time on with breaks of 3 minutes, 5 minutes and 3 minutes

45.6 Teams that not ready to resume play at the beginning of a quarter shall be fined $100. 

45.7 Teams that are not ready to resume play five (5) minutes after the beginning of a quarter shall be fined $200. At  this time the Timekeepers shall signal to the central umpire to resume the game. 

46 Teams 

46.1 Senior Football 

46.1.1 The number of players in a Senior football team shall be 21. Each team can have up to 18 players on the  playing surface at one time with 3 players on the interchange. 

46.1.2 Teams shall have 14 players on the ground ready to start play at the designated starting time. 

46.1.3 Any team with less than 14 players on the ground ready to start play at the designated starting time may be  fined $100. 

46.1.4 Teams failing to field 14 players cannot play for premiership points and shall forfeit the game. 46.2 Reserve Football – Home and Away Games 

46.2.1 The total number of players in a Reserves football team shall be 20. Teams can have up to 16 players on the  playing surface at one time with 4 players on the interchange. 

46.2.2 Teams can field a minimum of 14 players in total. Teams are required to share players to meet the minimum requirement. 

46.2.3 Where teams have less than the minimum number of fourteen (14) players and the other team has more than  fourteen (14) players the team with more players must share the excess players until each team has equal  numbers of players. If the number of excess players from the club with more players is an odd number, then the  team with the greater number of players will retain one extra player on the bench. 

46.2.4 Clubs are encouraged to share players to ensure equal numbers up to sixteen (16) per side. 

46.2.5 The number of players on the ground for a game must be agreed upon by both coaches before the start of the  game. 

46.2.6 Teams must not have more than the agreed upon number of players on the field for the duration of the game. 46.2.7 Teams may have unequal numbers on the bench. 

46.2.8 Should a team not be able to field 14 players, including shared players from the other team, the game shall be  forfeited by the team with the lower number of players. 

46.3 Under 17 Football – Home and Away Games  

46.3.1 The maximum number of players in a U/17 football team shall be 22. Teams can have up to 18 players on the  playing surface at one time with 4 players on the interchange.

46.3.2 Teams can field a minimum of 10 players in total. 

46.3.3 The number of players on the ground for a game must be agreed upon by both coaches before the start of the  game. 

46.3.4 Teams must not have more than the agreed upon number of players on the field for the duration of the game. 46.3.5 Teams are required to share players to meet the minimum requirement. 

46.3.6 If one team has more players than the other team, the team with more players than the team with fewer players  must share the excess players until each team has equal numbers of players. If the number of excess players  from the club with more players is an odd number, then the team with the greater number of players will retain  one extra player on the bench. 

46.3.7 Teams may have unequal numbers on the bench. 

46.3.8 Should a team not be able to field 10 players, including shared players from the other team, the game shall be  forfeited by the team with the lower number of players. 

46.3.9 Where games are cancelled, teams are encouraged to play a practice match where possible. 46.4 Under 14 Football – Home and Away Games 

46.4.1 The total number of players in a U/14 football team shall be 26. 

46.4.2 Teams can have up to 18 players on the playing surface at one time with 8 players on the interchange. Where  there is an uneven number of players Clubs must share players to ensure maximum and equal numbers up to  eighteen (18) per side. 

46.4.3 Teams can field a minimum of 10 players in total. 

46.4.4 The number of players on the ground for a game must be agreed upon by both coaches before the start of the  game. 

46.4.5 Teams must not have more than the agreed upon number of players on the field for the duration of the game. 46.4.6 Teams are required to share players to meet the minimum requirement. 

46.4.7 If one team has players more than the other team, the team with more players than the team with fewer players  must share the excess players until each team has equal numbers of players. If the number of excess players  from the club with more players is an odd number, then the team with the greater number of players will retain  one extra player on the bench. 

46.4.8 Teams may have unequal numbers on the bench. 

46.4.9 Should a team not be able to field 10 players, including shared players from the other team, the game shall be  forfeited by the team with the lower number of players. 

46.4.10 Where games are cancelled, teams are encouraged to play a practice match where possible. 46.5 Reserve Football – Finals Games 

46.5.1 The number of players in a Reserve football team shall be 20. Each team can have up to 16 players on the  playing surface at one time with 4 players on the interchange, irrespective of the number of players the  opposition team has. 

46.6 Under 17 Football – Finals Games 

46.6.1 The number of players in an U/17 football team shall be 22. Each team can have up to 18 players on the  playing surface at one time with 4 players on the interchange, irrespective of the number of players the  opposition team has. 

46.7 Under 14 Football – Finals Games 

46.7.1 The number of players in an U/14 football team shall be 26. Each team can have up to 18 players on the  playing surface at one time with 8 players on the interchange, irrespective of the number of players the  opposition team has.

47 Mercy Rule for U/17 and U/14 Football 

47.1 The League is committed to encouraging more junior players to maintain their interest in football and increase their  longevity in the sport. Young people lose interest in football when the margin between two teams on any one day is  excessive. This is exacerbated when teams are regularly “hammered”. In junior football we aim to shift the focus  toward developing skills and having fun and enjoyment among young footballers and away from the score.  Reinforce the concept of sportsmanship; ethical, respectful, polite and fair behavior while participating. Coaches  will be proactive and use alternate strategies with their teams to ensure the Mercy Rule is only implemented as a  last resort. 

47.2 When the score differential between teams equals or exceeds sixty (60) points in an U/14 game and seventy-two  (72) points in an U/17 game prior to three-quarter time the Goal Umpires will inform the Field Umpires. 

47.3 The Field Umpire will signal the end of the game to the Timekeepers who will blow the siren twice to signal the end  of the game. 

47.4 The Field Umpire will instruct the Goal Umpires & scoreboard attendants to record scores. The scoreboard shall be  cleared then re started to reflect the current score for the remainder of the game. 

47.5 A break of three (3) minutes shall be taken. During this time Coaches from both sides shall work together to even  up the teams. 

47.6 After teams have been evened, the game shall continue for the remainder of the allocated time of play. The  scoring and recording of goal kickers will cease. 

47.7 The official recorded result for the game shall be: 

• Losing team - the score of the losing team, at time the Mercy Rule was applied; 

• Winning Team - the score of the losing team, at the time the Mercy Rule was applied, plus 60 points for U/14  games and plus 72 points for U/17 games. 

47.8 Field umpires are to award League Best Player votes irrespective of any team changes. 

47.9 When the Mercy rule is invoked, both coaches MUST mix the teams in a sportsmanlike manner to ensure an even  contest. If this is not done, at the discretion of the League Board: 

• The points may be forfeited, and/or 

• The club fined and/or 

• The coaches brought before the Independent Tribunal and charged with a breach of the Code of Conduct. • Continued breaches of the Mercy rule may result in Coach AFL accreditation being removed under the  Junior Coach Policy. 

47.10 Coaches need to adhere to the AFLWM Junior Coach Policy (2019) to focus on the development and enjoyment of  their players. 

47.11 Any club who is found to be not adhering to By-Law 47 shall be fined $500 per game and any premiership points  awarded for a win will be removed. 

48 Team Lists 

48.1 Team lists must be lodged on the Play HQ database by 9.00pm the Friday prior to each game. Team lists must be  printed for use on game day. The printed team list must also include coaches, runners, trainers, water carriers,  team managers, interchange stewards and club umpires if known. Refer AFL Rules.  

48.2 Should a player need to be withdrawn/replaced from the named players, the club shall amend their team sheet and  update the team list in Play HQ database prior to the start of the game. 

48.3 Any club who does not provide the team sheet as per By–Law 48.1 may incur a fine of $100 per game. 

49 Timekeepers 

49.1 Each participating club shall provide a timekeeper per game. Timekeepers must be 16 years of age or older. 49.2 The club of any timekeepers that are under 16 years may incur a fine of $100.

49.3 The siren shall only be sounded by the timekeepers prior to, during and at the completion of a game. 49.4 Stopwatches must be synchronised, if only one stopwatch is available, that shall be the official time. 

49.5 The timekeepers shall record on cards as provided by the league exact times and return these signed to the home  match day secretary. 

50 Game Day Checklist 

50.1 A home and away club representative must complete the Marsh Australian Football game day checklist prior to the  start of the first game of the day’s competition on the approved Marsh phone app. 

51 Finals 

51.1 In the event of a drawn game in any final, including the grand final, the following shall apply: 

• A break of five (5) minutes shall occur. During this time Goal Umpires shall confirm the scores and Coaches  may address their players. 

• Five (5) minutes, plus time on, shall be played. At the conclusion of this five (5) minutes teams must  immediately change ends. Coaches shall not address their players during this time. 

• Five (5) minutes, plus time on, shall be played. 

• If at the end of the extra time scores are still level, no change of ends shall occur, play will be restarted at the  center bounce and continue until one team has a one (1) point advantage. 

51.2 The HDFNL shall allocate rooms and shorts uniforms prior to each finals game and notify the club via the club  secretary by 12 noon on the first business day immediately following the previous games. 

51.3 The nominated away team shall call the toss of the coin. 

52 Finals Eligibility 

52.1 Any player registered with their club to be eligible to play finals must have played in three (3) games over three (3)  separate weekends with that club during the current home and away season. 

52.2 Any player registered with their club who plays Reserve Football must take the field in three (3) or more home and  away Reserve Grade Football games to be eligible to play finals in Reserve Football. 

52.3 Any player registered with their club who plays Reserve Football cannot take the field in more than seven (7) home  and away games in Senior Football to be eligible to play finals in Reserve Football. 

52.4 Should a club be playing Senior Football and Reserve Football on the same weekend during finals, By-Laws 52.2,  and 52.3 are removed; but a player can only play one game per weekend. 

52.5 Any VFL or NAB League listed player may play with their registered home club during finals in senior football only;  but a player can only play one game per weekend between their club and VFL club. Refer AFL Victoria Country Handbook, Finals Eligibility - 13.0 (b) NAB League and VFL Players. 

52.6 Should a player play more than one game per weekend during finals, the club shall incur the loss of the second  game that the player played in. 

52.7 Area Permit players must play five (5) games for that side to qualify for finals as per AFL Vic Country Handbook  rule No 2.10 (vii) 

53 Set Penalties 

53.1 As per AFL Victoria Country Handbook rule # 11.0. 

54 Order Off 

54.1 The HDFNL shall follow the AFL Victoria Country Rule 10.0.

HDFNL By-Laws 

54.2 A red card indicates the player is ordered off for the remainder of the game and is able to be replaced after 20  minutes of elapsed playing time from the resumption of the play after being ordered off. 

54.3 A yellow card indicates the player is ordered off for 15 minutes of elapsed playing time from the resumption of the  play after being ordered off and cannot be replaced within that time. 

54.4 Timekeepers shall monitor and keep the time. 

55 Independent Tribunal 

55.1 The independent tribunal comprising of upto10 members shall be appointed by the executive prior to the current  season. 

55.2 Three (3) members of such an independent tribunal shall form a quorum. 

55.3 The members of the independent tribunal shall not hold any other position of office in the league or an official  position with a club affiliated with the league within a period of twelve (12) months prior to nomination. 

55.4 The members of the independent tribunal shall not have been a AFL Victoria Country registered player within a  period of twenty–four (24) months prior to nomination. 

55.5 Elected members of the independent tribunal shall receive the following prior to the current season 

• League season pass including finals 

• AFL Victoria Country handbook 

• HDFNL By-Laws 

55.6 The league’s tribunal shall be held in the week following a round of games at a venue and time determined by the  league. 

55.7 Matters shall be referred to the independent tribunal as per AFL Victoria Country rule 7.0. 

55.8 Any matter referred to the independent tribunal as per AFL Victoria Country rule 7.0 can be appealed as per AFL  Victoria Country rule 8.0. 

55.9 The league’s tribunal shall consult with the league for interpretation of any AFL Victoria Country rule or league By– Law as required whether the tribunal hearing has commenced or not. The league may also request further  interpretation of any AFL Victoria Country rule from the AFL Victoria Country. 

55.10 In the absence of a quorum at a hearing of the independent tribunal, any players charged shall be eligible to play  for their club until the matter is heard and determined by the independent tribunal. 

56 Ground Lighting 

56.1 If natural light is deteriorating during a game, the two participating club coaches and officiating central umpires can  agree to turn on ground lighting to assist with the natural light at the ground to allow the game to complete. 

57 De–Registration/ Non–Registration Policy 

57.1 The league shall adhere to the AFL Victoria Country’s de–registration policy.


SECTION 3 – Netball By-Laws 

The following By-Laws shall be read in general across the League’s Netball Competition. This shall be read in conjunction with the League’s General By-Laws. 

58 Playing Rules 

58.1 All games shall be played Under the current International Netball Federation Netball Rule Book and as updated by  the Netball Federation, except in such cases and conditions where the By-Laws hereby adopted superseded those  rules.  

59 Netball Coordinator  

62.1 Each club shall appoint a netball coordinator/s. 

62.2 Any club that does not appoint a netball coordinator shall incur a fine of $200.  

62.3 The netball coordinator/s shall have a Working with Children’s Check. 

60 Players 

60.1 All players shall be registered with Netball Victoria.  

60.2 Each player must be registered with their club on Netball Connect prior to the start of the current season. 

Any player wishing to play after the start of the current season must complete the registration prior to the game  they wish to participate in. Players can obtain a Game Day permit to play on no more than 2 occasions during the  season.  

60.3 Player ages for junior grades are determined as per By-Law 7.5.  

60.4 Clubs may request an exemption for an overage player. The request must be submitted in writing to the League  outlining the reasons for the overage request on the official league form. All approved overage requests shall be  monitored by the Board, if a player who has been granted an overage request is deemed to have sufficient skills to  play in the older age group the exemption will be revoked. 

60.5 Senior or Junior players may take the court in no more than two (2) games on any one (1) weekend, excluding  finals. 

60.6 Junior players shall still be eligible to play in junior grades regardless of the number of A Grade, B Grade, C Grade  or C Reserve games played.  

NOTE:- This By-Law is intended to help clubs with low numbers. Clubs are not to use this By-Law to gain  an advantage in a lower grade by using more skilled players in a lower grade when they are not required. 

60.7 The HDFNL Board will be monitoring how clubs use this By-Law. If a club does not abide by the intent of this By Law the HDFNL will investigate the matter. 

60.8 If a winning club has been found to breach this By-Law or the intent of this By-Law their premiership points and  goals scored will be forfeited. The club will also be fined $500. 

60.9 If a losing club has been found to breach this By-Law or the intent of this By-Law their goals scored will be  forfeited. The club will also be fined $500. 

61 Finals Eligibility 

61.1 To be eligible for finals a player is to have played in three (3) separate games over three (3) rounds with that club  during the current home and away season. 

61.2 All players must have participated in a minimum of three (3) separate Home and Away games in EACH of the  respective grade(s) they wish to play for. 

61.3 Any player registered with their club who plays in more than seven (7) home and away games in a higher grade is  ineligible to play in a lower grade, this excludes junior grades. 

Example: Player X plays 8 A Grade and 10 B Grade. That player is ineligible to play B, C and C Reserve finals. 

61.4 Should a club be playing Senior netball in multiple grades on the same weekend during finals a player can only  play one Senior game per weekend. Juniors are available to play in 2 games per weekend which is comprised of  either 1 Senior Game and 1 Junior game or 2 Junior games. 

61.5 Game Day Permits are not permitted for use during the finals series. 

62 Player Clearances 

62.1 No player will be granted more than one (1) intra league clearance per season. No clearances will be granted after  the 30th of June for that season, unless extenuating circumstances exist. 

62.2 Best and Fairest votes will transfer with the player should they remain in the league. 

63 Coaches 

63.1 All coaches shall be registered with Netball Victoria and hold a current minimum Netball Victoria Foundation  Coaching accreditation. Each coach must be registered on the Netball Connect database with their club prior to the  start of the current season 

63.2 The club using an unregistered coach shall incur a fine of $200 

63.3 All coaches shall have a current Working with Children’s Check. 

64 Team Managers / Primary Carers – refer INF rule # 5.1.2 

64.1 All Team managers and Primary Carers shall have a current Working with Children’s check and shall be registered  with Netball Victoria. 

64.2 All Team mangers and Primary Carers shall wear an identifying vest as required by the league. 64.3 All Primary Carers must hold a current First Aid Certificate. 

65 Umpires – refer INF rule # 5.2 to 5.2.2 

65.1 All umpires shall be registered with Netball Victoria prior to umpiring any game. 

65.2 The club supplying an unregistered umpire shall incur a fine of $100. 

65.3 The league shall be responsible for the overall development of umpires and shall be responsible for organizing the  badging of umpires in conjunction with clubs throughout the season. 

65.4 All club umpires must hold a current accreditation. The club supplying a non-accredited umpire shall incur a fine of  $100. 

65.5 Clubs shall supply one (1) umpire, per grade, every home and away round. 

65.6 Umpires shall officiate no more than two (2) games on any given day, within HDFNL. 65.7 Umpires shall be paid at the discretion of the club. 

65.8 Each club umpire shall be dressed appropriately as per the All Australian Rule Book rule 5.2. 

65.9 Umpires are both required to complete the official league Best and Fairest votes together on the official forms  where the envelope is to be signed on the back or digital means. 

65.10 Players who umpire MUST be given time to complete all official duties, vote cards and change between games.

66 Netballs 

66.1 The league shall supply, at the Leagues expense, netballs for all finals games. Cost for balls in the home and away  season will be covered by club. 

66.2 The league shall supply game balls to clubs for each home game plus one spare for the season for each A Grade  game. 

66.3 The home club shall provide an netball in good condition for all B Grade, C Grade, C Reserve, 17 & Under 15 &  Under and 13 & Under games. 

66.4 The choice of ball for A Grade games will be at the discretion of the league and must meet the requirements for  INF rule # 3.3 (Ball). Clubs who do not use the correct approved league sponsor logo netball in A Grade games as  stated by the league shall incur a fine of $100. 

66.5 The choice of ball for B Grade, C Grade, C Reserve, 17 & Under 15 & Under and 13 & Under games shall be at  the discretion of the clubs with a preference for “Gilbert” branded netballs to be used. Netballs previously used in A  Grade games shall be used in either B Grade, C Grade, C Reserve, 17 & Under 15 & Under and 13 & Under  games and must meet the requirements for INF rule # 3.3 (Ball) 

67 Player Uniforms – As per INF rule # 5.1.1 

67.1 All players must wear approved uniforms complying with the registered colours of their club, including socks in  conjunction with INF rule # 5.1.1 and as per HDFNL By–Law 6.2 to 6.4 

67.2 Bike shorts may be worn, but must be either Beige/Cream coloured or the same colour as the club uniform worn  for that season. Gloves, medical stockings, leg/arm braces may be worn with prior league approval. The approval  must be available to umpires to view if requested.  

68 Game Times 

68.1 Starting times for all home and away games where 1 court is used are as follows: 

• A Grade Netball – 4:10pm 

• B Grade Netball – 3:05pm 

• C Grade Netball – 2:00pm 

• C Reserve Netball – 12:55pm 

• 17 & Under Netball – 11:50am 

• 15 & Under Netball – 10:45am 

• 13 & Under Netball – 9:50am 

• Modified Netball – 9:00am 

68.2 Starting times for all home and away games where 2 courts are used are as follows: 

• A Grade Netball – 2:00pm 

• B Grade Netball – 12:55pm 

• C Grade Netball – 11:50am 

• C Reserve Netball – 11:50am 

• 17 & Under Netball – 10:45am 

• 15 & Under Netball – 9:40am 

• 13 & Under Netball – 10:45am 

• Modified Netball – 9:40am 

68.3 Starting times for Elimination, Semi and Preliminary finals games are as follows: 

• A Grade Netball – 3:00pm 

• B Grade Netball – 2:00pm 

• C Grade Netball – 1:00pm 

• C Reserve Netball – 12:00pm 

• 17 & Under Netball – 11:00am

• 15 & Under Netball – 10:00am 

• 13 & Under Netball – 9:00am 

68.4 Starting times for Grand final games are as follows: 

• A Grade Netball – 3:30pm 

• B Grade Netball – 2:15pm 

• C Grade Netball – 1:00pm 

• C Reserve Netball – 11:45am 

• 17 & Under Netball – 10:30am 

• 15 & Under Netball – 9:30am 

• 13 & Under Netball – 8:30am 

68.5 Game times for all games shall be as follows: 

A Grade Netball 

4x 15 minute quarters with breaks of 2 minutes, 3 minutes and 2 minutes

B Grade Netball 

4x 12 minute quarters with breaks of 2 minutes, 3 minutes and 2 minutes

C Grade Netball 

4x 12 minute quarters with breaks of 2 minutes, 3 minutes and 2 minutes

C Reserve Netball 

4x 12 minute quarters with breaks of 2 minutes, 3 minutes and 2 minutes

17 & Under Netball 

4x 12 minute quarters with breaks of 2 minutes, 3 minutes and 2 minutes

15 & Under Netball 

4x 12 minute quarters with breaks of 2 minutes, 3 minutes and 2 minutes

13 & Under Netball 

4x 10 minute quarters with breaks of 2 minutes, 3 minutes and 2 minutes

Modified Netball 

4x 7 minute quarters with breaks of 2 minutes between quarters

69 Playing Conditions- ref INF Rule # 9.3 (iii) 

69.1 If during a game, conditions (weather, court or equipment) change, making playing conditions dangerous, the  umpires shall consult with the Coaches. A decision may be made to stop the game that is in the best interests of  participant safety. Games can be halted temporarily due to weather or abandoned. 

69.2 Any game that has been halted due to weather shall commence or resume upon the direction of the umpires. Any  team which fails to take the court when so directed will be declared as forfeiting the game. Ref INF Rule # 8.1.1 

69.3 Should a game be abandoned due to dangerous conditions before half time, a draw will be awarded and  percentage shall be worked out as twenty (20) goals to each team. 

69.4 Should a game be abandoned due to dangerous conditions after half time points shall be awarded as at the stop in  play. 

70 Scorers / Timekeepers 

70.1 Each team is to provide one (1) non participating Scorer/Timekeeper per game. The home club is to provide the  scoresheet and time clock. 

70.2 Each home team must provide a scoreboard and non-participating scoreboard attendant for the A Grade game  and all other home games if possible. 

70.3 The official scoresheet and timing device must at all times be placed in full view of both Scorer/Timekeeper for the  duration of the game. 

70.4 Scorers and Timekeepers must be at least 16 years of age. Scorers and Timekeepers are to decide the media  votes 1 & 2, on scoresheet. 

70.5 Should the official scoresheet not list all players full names prior to the commencement of the game it cannot be  added and the player cannot take the court once the game has commenced. 

70.6 At the conclusion of the game, to indicate their satisfaction that the information on the official scoresheet is correct,  the official scoresheet is to be signed/approved by the following:

• The captains of both competing teams 

• Both officiating Umpires 

• The scorer and timekeeper of both competing teams. 

71 Game Day Checklist 

71.1 A home and away club representative must complete the Mash Australian Netball game day checklist prior to the  start of the first game of the day’s competition on the approved Marsh phone app. 

72 Finals 

72.1 In the event of a drawn game in any final, including the grand final, the following shall apply: 

• A break of four (4) minutes shall occur immediately after the 4th quarter concludes. During this time Coaches  may address their players, team changes are allowed and teams shall change ends. 

• Extra time shall be played as follows: 

o For 13 & Under and 15 & Under games Five (5) minutes shall be played. A one (1) minute break will occur  during which teams shall change ends. Following the break Five (5) minutes shall be played. 

o For 17 & Under, C Reserve, C Grade and B Grade games Six (6) minutes shall be played. A one (1) minute  break will occur during which teams shall change ends. Following the break Six (6) minutes shall be played. o For A Grade games Seven (7) minutes shall be played. A one (1) minute break will occur during which  teams shall change ends. Following the break Seven (7) minutes shall be played. 

• If at the end of the extra time scores are still level, a visual signal shall be placed at the official bench to  indicate play will continue until one team leads by two (2) goals. 

73 League Representative Teams 

73.1 The league shall participate in 

• Interleague at the discretion of the League Board 

• Netball Victoria Association Championships 

• Tournaments as approved by the League 

73.2 The League shall appoint representative team coaches for a period of one (1) year for each team participating in  By-Law 73.1 

73.3 The league shall appoint representative team umpires for a period of one (1) year for each team participating in  By-Law 73. 

73.4 The League shall advertise the positions as required upon the completion of each one (1) year period. 

73.5 The League shall appoint representative team coaches and umpires upon a final recommendation by the League’s  Board. 

73.6 The League shall hold selection days to facilitate in the selection of squads to represent the league. All  73.7 All clubs that send players to selection days are required to supply 1 umpire and 1 selector for all selection dates.